Valley Beit Midrash

Respecting the Elderly



ABOUT THE EVENT: While the secular world may respect the elderly out of politeness or as a moral obligation, in Judaism, the Torah teaches us that we must observe the mitzvah of respecting the elderly. What does that entail? Join us to find out! ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Sharona made aliya in August 2004 from Riverdale, NY. She has a BA in Judaic Studies and an MS in Jewish Education from Yeshiva University. Prior to making aliya, Sharona served as the first Madricha Ruchanit at The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale with Rabbi Avi Weiss where she was involved in teaching numerous female converts. Sharona lives in Jerusalem and is the founder and director of Torat Reva Yerushalayim, a non-profit organization that provides Torah study groups to students of all ages and backgrounds. Sharona is also a member of Beit Hillel. DONATE:​​​​​​​ For podcasts of VBM lectures, GO HERE:​ Become a member today, s