Lose The Pain

Trigger Point Self-Treatment System from Healthy Back Institute's Jesse Cannone & Steve Hefferon



Trigger Point Self-Treatment System from Healthy Back Institute's Jesse Cannone & Steve Hefferon: In treating your own Trigger Points with the Healthy Back Institute's Trigger Point Self-Treatment System, warns Steve Hefferon, one must be care of multiplying trigger points. This can also happen in deep tissue massage, which can bring out long dormant trigger points or create new ones from working on others. But if you can't afford to hire a trigger point specialist or just don't want to have someone else handling that, Jesse Cannone believes their system is very much up to the task of working your trigger points when you are in relaxed position, which is key to the process. About Trigger Points: Trigger points cause muscles and tissues to tighten and shorten. These hyper-irritated hardened masses cause so much pain and tenderness that you alter the way you move, sit or stand to instinctively protect yourself. By limiting the use of the painful muscle, the muscle begins to weaken. Your altered patterns