Lose The Pain

Loss of Vitality from Chronic Inflammation & Oxidative Stress, Roots of Fibromyalgia Syndrome



Loss of Vitality from Chronic Inflammation & Oxidative Stress, Roots of Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Dr. Greg Fors, an expert on Fibromyalgia and widespread chronic pain syndrome, talks about the underlying causes of Fibromyalgia as in the Loss of Vitality. The two underlying culprits are Chronic Inflammation and Oxidative Stress, an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants. Fors explains to Steve Hefferon, Fitness Trainer and Rehab Expert, that we must get these under control through diet and exercise and the proper mindset to bring ourselves out of widespread chronic pain syndrome, or Fibromyaglia. Antioxidants will help, but basic tenets of life must be followed or the constant state of inflammation will render bring our bodies to a serious condition which might not be reversible. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing