Lose The Pain

Overview of Fibromyalgia Progress in Body & How Brain & Spinal Column React in Pain Management



Overview of Fibromyalgia Progress in Body & How Brain & Spinal Column React in Pain Management: Steve Hefferon asks his radio talk show guest, Dr. Greg Fors, Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, to recap and give an overview of Fibromyalgia and how ti progresses through the body in terms on a molecular level and how the body manages that pain. Dr. Fors notes that Myofascial Tissues, a basic building block that holds our bodies together, becomes damaged by chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, the latter being elements from food or external factors that damage Mitochondrials and prevent them from producing ATP, a necessary component for life and vitality. He then goes into how the body manages the chronic pain for surviving with it and adapting to the rigors before we take charge and get healed up, if we get healed up. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Healing Your Chronic Pain, is a 1982 graduat