Lose The Pain

Dr. Greg Fors says Get Warrior Spirit to Conquer Fibromyalgia & Widespread Chronic Pain Syndrome



Dr. Greg Fors says Get Warrior Spirit to Conquer Fibromyalgia & Widespread Chronic Pain Syndrome: Steve Hefferon, who is a Fitness Trainer, tells Dr. Greg Fors that so many people start off in their chronic pain/fibromyalgia treatment with great hopes and intentions, but when it doesn't go fast or there are setbacks they give up and say it didn't work. Dr. Fors, who helped his daughter heal from severe Fibromyalgia after she contracted a virus in Mexico, knows all too well that happens all the time. He tells Steve that one must take a comprehensive approach, attack every facet of the solution with vigor and develop a "Warrior Spirit" in order to regain health, mobility and live a pain free life for both you and your family. You can't give up, must not give up, or severe chronic pain will be what you have to deal with all the time and it might turn into a serious condition like heart disease or worse. About Dr. Greg Fors: Dr. Fors, author of Why We Hurt: A Complete Physical & Spiritual Guide to Heali