Lose The Pain

Environment & Associations, Find People Who Support, Lift & Inspire You & Change Your Life



Environment & Associations, Find People Who Support, Lift & Inspire You & Change Your Life: Remember in Guys and Dolls when Sky Masterson, playing by Marlon Brando in the film version, blames evil companions for his gambling habits, well that is not far from the truth when Rob Berkley and Jesse Cannone talk about getting out of run by altering your environment and associations. Right out of the gate in this segment of the interview by Jesse Cannone, Founder of The Healthy Back Institute, Rob Berkely, an Executive Coach says, "If you want to have a great life you gotta have support, period. People who will lift you up and inspire." On top of being strong mentally with a solid will power, one still has to avoid people who won't help you advance your goals or enhance your to reach for your highest spiritual self, one who is a credit to friends, family and community. But even if you're strong minded, evil companions can drag you down, but the two are mutually exclusive. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is a