Sex Nerd Sandra

Healthy Kink



BDSM, SWINGING & POWER PLAY! Psych grad student & researcher Ryan Witherspoon stimulates our ears with kinky knowledge! TOPICS: Swingers vs Polyamory, Psychological Research, Healthy Kink, Pain vs Sensation, Stress-Reduction, Power Play, Service Tops, BDSM vs Abuse, Control, Trust & Pride, Surprising Research, Male Submissives, Pre-Play Negotiations, Boosting Self-Esteem, Open Conversation, Fidelity, Abundance vs Scarcity and Mindful Jealousy! Ryan Witherspoon has published peer-reviewed research and regularly presents at academic conferences nationwide on the topics of sexual minorities and alternative lifestyles, as well as school bullying and mindfulness-based practices.  Ryan will receive his Master's degree in psychology from Pepperdine University in April, enroute to earning his Ph.D.  Additionally Ryan is a state-certified sexual assault advocate and co-founder of Psychotherapists for Sexual Diversity (PSD), a Los Angeles-based professional organization for clinicians and graduate students