Sex Nerd Sandra

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FIRST KISS PROTOCOL, POLYAMORY & CONDOM TECHNOLOGY! Sex-positive cartoonist Danielle Corsetto shares tips on writing, dating and kissing. TOPICS: Character Development, Pony/ Puppy/ Bunny BDSM, Cheating, Honesty, Jealousy, GIF silliness, Listener Ideas, Kissing Tips and Initiating First Contact. Danielle Corsetto is the cartoonist behind Girls With Slingshots, a slice-of-life webcomic about two girls, a bar, and a talking cactus... and vibrators, and lesbians, and unusual sexual identities, and cats and love and a little BDSM. You can read her strip (and vibrator reviews!) at every weekeday. If you enjoy a little TMI from strangers, her Twitter handle is @dcorsetto and she is an active supporter of #TMITuesday tweets. Danielle lives in Shepherdstown, WV with her two cats and a 12-year-old goldfish. Follow @DaveToTheRoss and @SexNerdSandra on Twitter! And visit Sex Nerd Sandra’s website for more sexy nerdiness!