Sex Nerd Sandra

Sex Down Under



HARDCORE KOALAS, AUSTRALIAN STDs & VULVA CUPCAKES! Sex educator & community organizer Kate McCombs shares wisdom from the land down under. But first, a little life update with friend, Jason Porath. TOPICS: Happiness, SFSI Training, Sex Geekdom, Scrota, Socialized Medicine, Brothels, Amsterdam, Cross-Cultural Comparisons, Condom Fatigue, Gorilla Mating, “Dirty Tail,” Japanese Masturbation Bar, Vulva Puppet Travel, Foreskins & Circumcision and Nerd vs Geek! Kate McCombs is a sex educator, blogger, and speaker, specializing in sex-positive and pleasure-inclusive approaches to sexual health promotion. She's originally from California, but moved to Australia to get her Masters in Public Health at the University of Melbourne, which she completed in 2011. In addition to facilitating workshops, Kate works as a teaching/research assistant and guest lecturer for the School of Population Health at the University of Melbourne. She's also the founder of, a website designed to bridge the gap betw