Sex Nerd Sandra

In Hot Pursuit



LEARNING THE VALUE OF THE B*TCHFACE. Sandra investigates a world where everyone wants your number. Comedian Eli Olsberg weighs in. TOPICS: Speed Dating, Yuri's Night, Mari's Mob, The Fedex Guy, Bros, Dropping Failed Hints, Stranger Danger, Theories, Porn, Eye Contact, Dance Floor Drama, Nude Modeling, Mistaken for Love, Reverse Juggling, Zooey Deschanel, Super Sexy Approaches, Asking Permission, Masculinity & the Myths of Weakness.   When Mari isn't on the run from admirers, she enjoys long walks, posing for Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School and working for the circus.    Eli Olsberg is a stand-up comedian, writer, and co-produces a comedy show at a sex shop!   Hangout with Sex Nerd Sandra on Twitter and Facebook. It will be the fun times.