Sex Nerd Sandra

Cheating with Dr. Chris Donaghue



LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES! Dr. Chris Donaghue sets the record straight on the role of cheating in today's relationships and what it means for partnerships of tomorrow. But first, Layperson Elaine admits to a guilty past. TOPICS: Dr. Chris answers many questions including "Is cheating avoidable?" "Where's the line?" and "How can you tell if a relationship is salvageable?". ALSO: Sandra in DC, Giving in to Temptation, Signs of a Healthy Relationship, Craving Diversity, Statistics, Cyber Sex, Fluid Boundaries, Uncomfortable Feelings, Absolute Chaos, Handling Jealousy & Anxiety, Cultural Changes, "Relationshipping," Romantic Comedies, Conflict vs Pain, Dopamine Highs, Rage, Lifelong Partnership Building, Novelty, Honoring Your Needs, Villainizing the Cheater, Loss of Attraction, Aging and Libido Mismatches. Wow! Feelings!