Sex Nerd Sandra

Struggling with Monogamy - Part 2! Live in DC with Twanna Hines, Jenn Tisdale and Pere Estupinyà!



MORE DRAMA! Comedian Jenn Tisdale, sex educator Twanna Hines and several audience members including science journalist Pere Estupinyà weight in! TOPICS: Jealousy, Security, Giving Up, Monogoamy vs Marriage, OkTwitter, Depression, Swinging Monogamists, "Sexually Social," This American Life, Paradox of Choice, Online Dating, Dying Alone, "Manic Pixie Dream Girl," Codependence, Personal Growth, "Fewer the Merrier," Halo Effect of Monogamy, Social vs Sexual Monogamy, The Science of Falling in Love and THE BEST ACCENT EVER.