Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The Holy Family



Christmas having passed, we’re already celebrating the feast of the holy family, on this Sunday, the octave of Christmas. At the feast of the nativity of Our Lord, which we call Christmas, the reason being that it is the Mass of Christ or the presence of Christ among us. We celebrate in that feast the incarnation, that is God who became man and dwelt among us. God could have chosen many ways in which to redeem us. We must believe that, however, He chose the best possible way. He chose a way that would demonstrate to us, prove to us, show to us the depth of His love. And so His Son whom He love, whom He loves, whom He will always love, assumed in the womb of the virgin, human nature. Without mixing His divine nature and His human nature, the two remaining distinct and separate, yet united in one person. This person who for all eternity is the Son of God, became the son of Mary, or as the Gospels will call Him the Son of man, as He Himself would refer to Himself. He came into a family, again He could