Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Who gave you this authority?



Our most blessed Saviour had gone into Jerusalem; this is the last year of his life on earth. Going straight to the temple, He cleansed it for the second time of those who were trading in it. Then retiring to Bethany the following day He returned to the temple and He was teaching. The chief priest and the elders were rattled by His behaviour. This up start, He does not belong to the priestly line, He is from the provinces a country bumpkin and here He is acting as someone with authority. Even to the point of cleansing the temple. They cannot stand by and watch this kind of threat to their authority. To make matters worst, the children, the little ones were praising what He had done, ‘Blessings on He who comes in the name of the Lord.’ And they tried to silence them, the children on that account. ‘What authority have you, for acting like this and who gave you this authority?’ It was an insidious remark, in as much as, when He had cast out daemons they attributed this to the work of Beelzebub. Who ga