Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The Holy Spirit and the new way He exists in our world



Making His way down to the Kedron Valley to the garden, Our Lord speaks more and more clearly, openly to His disciples. They are deeply agitated, they are afraid. They sense the impending evil. Already the Lord has spoken about them being scattered. The shepherd will be struck and the sheep will be scattered. He had spoken about the betrayal. He had spoken even to Peter, saying ‘Satan had got his wish to sift them like wheat.’ He gives them some consolation as He speaks with them, some encouragement. Even though at the same time, there minds are perhaps not all there, He is speaking of His departure, and of course that would cause them much grief. But He consoles them, when speaking of the advocate, ‘When the advocate comes whom I shall send to you from the Father.’ So He is the one who will send the advocate, yet He also speaks of the Father sending the advocate as well. For the Third Person, the Spirit of Truth who issues from the Father, this Third person is being sent into the world, not that