Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

No one is good but God alone



The story of the rich young man is well known to us. It’s a story that applies to all of us, because the disciples ask this question “If this is how it is, who can be saved”, so evidently it’s not just the rich that our Lord was speaking about, but every one of us. Our Lord we’re told was setting out on a journey when this young man ran up. He shows great respect for our Lord for we are told he knelt before Him and put the question “Good master what must I do to inherit eternal life”. He had heard our Lord speak no doubt about the kingdom and how we must become little children in order to enter in. But his approach to our Lord is that of one who is a good teacher, a good master, a good man, where of course Christ is much more than this. Our Lord answers him according to the spirit with which he questions, good master, our Lord says “Why do you call me good, no one is good but God alone.” In other words we cannot judge goodness without reference to God. Only God is absolutely good. Our Lord is indeed