Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The Apostles are to do something that no Prophet had ever done before



Our most Blessed Saviour sends out the twelve – the twelve who are the foundation stones of the Church, the twelve wise companions who are witnesses to all He had done and all that He had taught. And He sends them out to His own people, to the Israelites – Israelites like themselves, instructions not to go either to the pagans or to the Samaritans, but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. The Prophets had spoken about the Messiah, who would come from Israel and would be sent to Israel. Therefore Our Lord needed to certainly fulfil this prophecy, but also to give the Jews the opportunity to listen and to hear and to embrace the Gospel. Their rejection of the Gospel would not be because of anything the Lord failed to do, but on that hard heartedness that is spoken of them in so many places in the Old Testament, but the Lord also knows even as the Jews, the Israelites reject His message, the Gentiles will accept it, will embrace it, and so He will dissolve the two. The Jews were as the Gentiles so that the