Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

The bread I shall give is my flesh for the life of the world



We recall that the miracle of the loaves occurred just before the feast of the Passover. That’s why there were so many people around because they were making their way up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. So the only way to get there was by foot and so they were walking and they encountered our Lord who taught them at some length. He fed them with the five loaves and the two fish, He cross the sea on foot, He came to Capernaum, the crowd followed Him. They hungered for the bread that He had given. They had eaten as much as they wanted. But our Lord was offering them something more than bread for the belly. So begins the great discourse about the Eucharist.… For more homilies from Fr. Linus Clovis please visit