Hemi-sync Podcast

Ep. 28 Tasting Infinity with Suresh Ramaswamy



Suresh Ramaswamy is a transformational teacher and award-winning author of Just Be. In this wide ranging conversation, Suresh recounts his journey of growing up in India to become an electrical engineer and entrepreneur, all while sensing there must be more to life than ordinary, material existence. Suresh and Garrett delve into the ultra-high frequencies of the Light of Infinity, which raises our vibration and facilitates quantum shifts in our consciousness. In these states of acute clarity, we may directly perceive the vast nature of our being. This realization has profound implications for our daily living. If you're interested in having this experience for yourself, please check out Suresh's Hemi-Sync® album, entitled Tasting Infinity (https://hemi-sync.com/product/tasting-infinity/).