Live Life

Momentum Monday - LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST



LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST... What does this mean to you?! I think we all can have a unique perspective with this message. But here are a few things to think about to really LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST... 1) Chase audacious goals: go out and chase fitness, business, financial, relationship and your life goals. Push the threshold a bit. Challenge yourself. Go see what you can do! 2) Say yes to experiences: you never know until you experience; this is one of my life philosophies. Even if something scares you a bit or is uncomfortable, that's ok, go experience it anyways. Experiences are what make up life so allow yourself to be spontaneous and adventurous and go do! 3) Laugh daily: YES! Everyday LAUGH! This means we are living in the moments, seeing the good and appreciating our life. Get around people who will make you laugh out loud. 4) EVERY DAY matters: Live TODAY as if it could be your last day on Earth. Live with urgency. Do your goals. Experience unique adventures. Cherish your relation