Chats With Chip

CWC 49: Dr. Sandra Wills Hannon on why to get your agency certified as a Small, Minority, Woman, or Veteran-Owned Business



Most agencies are looking for any leg up that they can get in the business development process. That’s why some agencies should consider getting certified. No this isn’t a discussion about a seal of approval for the quality of your work, it is about certifying the ownership structure of your business in a category that some organizations prefer. Dr. Sandra Wills Hannon of The Hannon Group discusses how getting certified has helped her agency win more business, both from government agencies and the private sector. She describes some of the available programs and what it takes to win the certification.Continue Reading → The post CWC 49: Dr. Sandra Wills Hannon on why to get your agency certified as a Small, Minority, Woman, or Veteran-Owned Business appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.