Steps And Tools For Emotional Intelligence

Do NOT Tell Your Child This at Graduation



It's everywhere.  It's in greeting cards, songs, TV shows, and movies.  And it saturates graduation speeches.  It's the myth that says, "You can be anything you want to be. Just follow your dreams."   There's only one problem:  it just ain't so. In this episode, Dr. Greg Hamlin briefly outlines the compelling reasons why we should stop telling our children, "You can be anything you want to be."  There are much better ways to build self-confidence.  There are better ways to encourage a child toward success in life.  If we can be clear about why this ubiquitous American myth should be nixed, then we can free our children to be confident and resilient as they dare to achieve great things.  The key is in preparing our children to be emotionally intelligent men and women who excel at frustration tolerance, reality-testing, and self-awareness.