Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

Ep 113 - Aimee Sarchet, RDN



Conversation 113:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Aimee Sarchet, RDN “There are more conversations that come up and I see more conferences offering sessions on video. It is usually the basics and discussion afterwards (by dietitians) includes saying they are scared and don’t know where to start. It makes sense, it’s something we’re not trained in and is outside of our wheelhouse but I think video is really important because it is the way social media is headed.” Aimee Sarchet, RDN. Today’s conversation is with Aimee Sarchet, a registered dietitian and entrepreneur with a passion for photography and videography. Aimee found a passion for nutrition at a young age and pursued dietetics the first day of her college career. She knew almost right away after completing her internship, she wanted to be an entrepreneur and start her own business with a personal connection to individuals struggling with GI issues. SInce then, her career has taken a bit of a different direction, but she still finds the joy in being a