Writers Of Silicon Valley

Ditto: the two Stanford grads creating UX writing software



“Text might be its own vertical in the product stack.” I don’t think I’ve ever been so impressed by people so young. I’m 33, so I’m allowed to say that now. For a while, guests on the podcast have asked me: is there a way to manage our copy end-to-end? For a long time, the best answer I’ve had to give is something like Airtable. But now, Jessica Ouyang and Jolena Ma have created Ditto - and it’s the answer to a lot of prayers. In this episode, I speak with Jessica and Jolena about their product Ditto, what it means for UX writers and content strategists, how they developed the product, what it’s like going through the Y Combinator process, and where they want to take it. If you’ve been on the search for a way to manage your copy within a full system, this interview is for you. If you want to get a briefing on what might be the most important tool to hit UX writing and content strategists in some time, this interview is for you. If you want to hear from two talented product managers about what they feel are so