Planet Boomerville For Baby Boomers With Jim Enright

Boomer real estate investing for cash flow and security w/Bill Manassero. Ep. 51



Listen to this, especially if you do not own real estate, or don’t think you should. You’ll learn how a missionary fresh off Haiti acquired over 100 units in 3 short years. In this episode, Jim interviews Bill Manassero, real estate investor, baby boomer, and real estate podcaster. Founder of the Old Dawg’s REI Network, host of the Old Dawgs Real Estate Network Podcast and Executive Director/President of Child Hope International, Bill has set the audacious goal of owning 1000 doors in 6 years. Currently, in year 3, he has already managed to own 100 doors. Bill shares his real estate journey—beginning with his very first purchases that were out of state to where he is today. He discusses how he scaled up by taking on mortgages or “good debt” and explains why he advocates for investing in multi-family homes as opposed to single-family homes. Bill urges all baby boomers to consider real estate investing as a way to fund their retirement. Tune in as Bill shares some of the hacks he’s learned along the way so tha