Planet Boomerville For Baby Boomers With Jim Enright

Take inspired action, see the unseeable, achieve the improbable. Ep. 53



Who else wants to hear God’s voice, take inspired action, prosper through trouble, see the unseeable, capture the intangible and achieve the improbable? You may be inspired and have a new vision after this episode. Jim Enright interviews Paul D. Johnson, host of the God Zone Show podcast. Paul shares his beliefs about God and firmly expresses that God loves everyone, irrespective of their faith. He discusses what it is like to walk in relationship with Him in the ebbs and flows of our lives. Paul discusses how God’s hand is evident is moments where we take inspired action that is beyond our talents and capabilities. He also explains how a relationship with God should NOT be solely based around him being the source that fulfils all our needs. He also shares with listeners how he and his wife started the charity, The Jesus Blanket, while coming across a homeless man who was cold. Tune-in and listen to this sprightly baby-boomer share some great spiritual insights that can expand your life and faith today! Show