Prosperity Kitchen Podcast With Gemma Mccrae

39_PK_039___How To Change Your Career with Professional Careers Advisor Soma Ghosh



In Episode 2 of Careers week, I talk to Professional Careers Advisor, Soma Ghosh aka: The Careers Happiness Mentor about everything to do with changing careers.  In the podcast Soma talks about the signs to look out for that indicate you need to change your job or career, how to get clarity on your true career calling, what to do if finances are holding you back, how to get past the negativity of spouses, family or friends who ridicule you for leaving a career to pursue your dream, advice to single parents who are juggling kids and low finances on how to get your dream career, stay at home mums who haven’t worked in a long while and also the older generation who are looking to get a job for the first time ever.