Resilient Performance Podcast

Resilient Performance Podcast with Dr. Andy Morgan



Dr. Andy Morgan received his medical degree from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1986; He completed his residency training in psychiatry at Yale University in 1990. He then joined the faculty of medicine at Yale University & the National Center for PTSD where he worked for 25 years. Dr. Morgan has received grants and has published over 100 peer reviewed scientific papers on learning, stress, PTSD and performance in Special Operations forces. Dr. Morgan served on the National Academy of Science Eyewitness Identification Committee (2013-2014). For his work Dr. Morgan was awarded the US Army Award for Patriotic Service in 2008 and awarded the 2010 Sir Henry Welcome Medal and Prize for his development of interventions to buffer the negative impact of stress on human cognition, memory, learning and operational performance.  Dr. Morgan served as an intelligence officer (2003-2010) for the US Government and was a government advisor to the US Intelligence Science Board. The products developed from hi