
Welcome to the Custom Metadata party with Vladimir Gerasimov



Have you joined the Custom Metadata Type party yet? Join us with Salesforce Product Manager Vladimir Gerasimov as we discuss what Custom Metadata Types are and how Salesforce Admins can use them. We also share a horrible joke from Daniel Sieff, make an exciting announcement about Midwest Dreamin 2018, and wonder why our intern this episode hasn't brought us our drinks (Kristin Cecil). Show Overview 00:00 Mark accidentally destroys the world 01:58 Intro Music 02:20 Horrible joke from Daniel Sieff https://twitter.com/sirsieff/status/966838899879436293 03:20 Affiliate Spot - Libsyn podcast hosting. Free Month with promoCode: podmagic 05:00 Introducing Vladimir Gerasimov https://twitter.com/vladimge Product Manager Custom Metdatypes 06:30 What is a custom Metadata types. Brian & Mark are late to the party 09:50 Custom Metadata Types for Admins 12:20 Custom Settings vs Custom Metadata types 15:30 Some short comings of Custom Metadata Types 19:06 Formula Fields & Default Values (Safe Harbor) maybe Winter '