
The Fellowship of the Peter Coffee WizardCast Episode 76



Peter Coffee returns to share his wisdom and experience. Peter is the VP for Strategic Research at Salesforce. He often speaks on the vision of the Salesforce as a platform and company and shares strategy for companies all over the world. Peter was kind enough to sit down with Mark and Brian at Midwest Dreamin 2018. He's been one of our favorite guests and was our guest in our very first live recording of the Wizardcast - also at Midwest Dreamin. We start with a story of Peter on a reality TV show in India. Then our topic changes to talk about change. We discuss how change is difficult and how we must change our perspective & put ourselves in the customer’s shoes. Peter always has great insights and stories. He reminds us to be the steward of change not the seller of change. Peter also provides us with some actions that we can do today in order to help be the stewards of change in our own organizations. Some of my favorite quotes from Peter this episode: "People are far more averse to failure than th