Learn English With Adriana In The #usingenglishtp Podcast

[#3 Advanced Communication] Going with your Gut Feeling (Interview with Ask Jackie)



Have you ever been indecisive about what to do in your life?  You have had to make a decision on what to do in your life, and one decision seemed logical in your brain, though you had a strange feeling that it simply wasn't the right decision? Our brain uses a combination of logic and emotions to make any kind of decision.  Sometimes we make a decision purely based on logic, and sometimes we make decisions based on our "gut feeling".   Going with your gut feeling can cause anxiety and uncertainty, as it does not guarantee a good outcome.  Despite all the hard facts being presented to us at times in our lives, sometimes people simply follow their instinct, their gut feeling, to make decisions.  In this #UsingEnglishTP podcast episode, Jackie from Ask Jackie will talk to us about her experience going with her gut feeling. This podcast episode provides you with English listening practice so that you can hear, two native English speakers speaking about going with your gut feeling.  Pay attention to the vocabulary