Learn English With Adriana In The #usingenglishtp Podcast

[#9 Advanced Communication] Tips for Living Abroad (Interview with Stefanie The English Coach)



Have you ever thought about living abroad (in a foreign country)? Living aboard can be challenging.  You may be away from friends, family and you may experience culture shock! There are ways to overcome these obstacles and enjoy your time living abroad. In this #UsingEnglishTP episode, I have invited Stefanie from English Fulltime, to talk to us about her experience living abroad.  Together we share our experiences living abroad, some cultural differences we encountered and tips you can use when living in a foreign country. This#UsingEnglishTP episode provides you with English listening practice so that you can hear, two native English speakers speaking about living abroad.  You will listen to two different accents, the Australian and American accent talking about the topic living abroad.Pay attention to the vocabulary, idioms, expressions which are used in this natural conversation. Download the full lesson notes at>  https://englishteacheradriana.com/stefanie-the-english-coach/