Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

John, Be Nice to Our Friend, John!



In This Episode: Did you hear Emily’s missing word? Email hatetoweight@gmail.com with that word! Emily and John got to hang out! Thank you, Deborah, for the kind words for our friend, John! We would love to go back to our former selves, when we *thought* we were fat, and just shake ourselves! What is holding you back from doing what you want to do? Emily lost her morning pages notebook for two days and she was going nuts. It’s also Shark Week for Emily - that monthly visitor. Emily has synesthesia — she sees names and words as colors. Do you have a random notebook for notes? We’re podcast editors — we relate podcasting to editing. Again. Look for the success stories, not the horror stories. The number on the scale isn’t how we should be measuring our success. Follow John on MyFitnessPall: HatetoWeightJohn Yay for everyone’s #WinningWednesdays! For ladies starting IF, it messes with you cycle, just a heads up! Come celebrate your wins over in the Hate to Weight Discussion Group on Facebook! Links Mentioned: