Hate To Weight | Our Diet And Weight Loss Journey

Mindfulness and Learning to Sit with our Feelings (is hard!)



A big thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for Hate to Weight in the Discover Pods awards. We didn’t win, but we are thrilled to have been nominated! John has been learning to sit with his feelings, at the urging of his therapist who he has been seeing to get ready for bariatric surgery. And we’re finding out that sitting with our feelings and trying not to go into the fight-or-flight response is much harder than just trying to fight them. But it’s necessary for true weight-loss and to keep from sabotaging ourselves. Emily is dealing with Shark Week (what we call the week of her period) on top of weeks of sickness in the house and her weight-loss has been temporarily put on hold. But we have faith that we can make it through and we know it won’t always be like this, even though when we’re in the throes of it all, it can seem overwhelming and never-ending. But luckily, we have some amazing #WinningWednesday posts this week! New to Hate to Weight? Make sure you’re subscribed so you’ll never miss an epi