Real Estate Success With Jim Ingersoll

Investing For Real Estate Cash Flow



Jim Ingersoll talks to John Morey about Cash Flow. John Morey is a real estate investor in Alabama. Listen to how John went from corporate America (he was an electrical engineer) to financial freedom through real estate.... John was fired from his job and made 5 real estate offers the very same day! How important is your network? Why rehabbing didn’t work well for John What HAS worked well for consistent/regular cash flow: seller financing, Airbnb, joint ventures John’s “Wholesaling Class” teaches you the right way to get started as a wholesaler Asking the RIGHT questions will save you time and money John’s wholesaling tips: Get educated Listen to the seller When it comes time to sell the contract to a wholesaler, Do Not Be Greedy. Understand who, in most cases, is taking the bigger risk. Have integrity! Establish a relationship with one or two good buyers that will buy from you regularly John’s preferred Cash Flow type: Seller Financing and why The difference between Contract For Deed (CFD) and Leas