Maharajas of Scale

Ep. 22: Anindita of YogaBars - Delivering Healthy Breakfast at Scale to millions



Anindita is a pragmatic entrepreneur. She loves to trek and travel and it was during her jaunt in the US that she thought about delivering Tasty and Healthy Breakfast options to Indians. When she looked around, she realized that there were hardly any Tasty and Healthy eating choices and she decided to jump head long into entrepreneurship along with her Sister Suhasini to start Yoga Bars. When they started, no one was making breakfast bars in India. And India's varied temperature conditions meant that recipes and manufacturing processes that worked overseas would not work in India. It was similar to what Sam Pitroda faced while designing telecom solutions for India. Anindita and her sister brought a pragmatic approach to figuring out how to make the bars, what to put in them and were also smart in taking advantage of the digital commerce trend to scale their reach. Even though she is not from an entrepreneurial family, it feels like she knows the basics and like a good startup, their focus and clarity has help