Bulldog Unchained

10.27.2019 - Bulldog Unchained - Episode 187 (Knubsie and Earl Cavender - Bondage Podcast, Ghosts, Movies and Shows, Weather Man Foot Porn)



Tucker is out sick today, so Earl Cavender joins Knubsie and me.  Earl immediately questions if this used to be a bondage podcast.  We discuss ghosts and weird shit we've encountered.  Movies and TV shows, and Earl doesn't watch anything.  Rap Battles, of which Earl is the champion of Evansville.  And finally...weather man foot porn...we need your help solving this case!  NO!  THERE HAS TO BE LICKING!  IT'S THE ONLY WAY THIS WORKS! To become a sponsor and donate to the show, please check out this link.  https://www.patreon.com/bulldogunchained