Bulldog Unchained

01.03.2020 - Bulldog Unchained - Episode 202 (30 Minutes of Mayhem)



New year...new...wait...nope...same old shit show!  Today I give you the answers to questions like Why has Sarah Logan been replaced?  Do Baby Yeet's parents watch Gremlin porn?  And I provide you with the pregame show kickoff extravaganza for World War III and the lead-in to the Savage Lands...which I've been preparing you for all along! To become a sponsor and donate to the show, please check out this link.  https://www.patreon.com/bulldogunchained The song "Eleven" by the band Steady Flow is used with permission granted to me by the band.  Please check them out at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_iypTy5oOnlavCjU1QL6w