Peter Lorimer Podcast

How To Become A Real Estate Ninja / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates. This podcast is all about how to become a ninja real estate agent (or really just how to kick ass at anything you do). First, let's clear the air. All those experts you see out there--they did not "wake up like this." It takes hard work and time. If I'm going to fail, I'd rather work my hardest and know I gave it my all and THEN fail. To become successful in anything, it boils down to the following three things. Discovery: LEARN, research, find new techniques, and get inspired. Effort: You've learned the techniques, and you're inspired. Now what? You put your own stamp on it. You find something you like and you try it out in your own way. Trial and error. Ability: Become a master of your craft. Spend one hour each day (yes, even weekends) outside of your workday, learning and gr