Peter Lorimer Podcast

12 Rounds with Tyson / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast



Your first two years in real estate are going to be awful. You're going to be full of doubt and fear. And every time you pick yourself back up, you'll get punched back down. For at least a year. For twelve months, expect to get knocked down. Which is why I always recommend that aspiring new agents stash at least a year's worth of living expenses away before jumping in. You'll likely eat ramen noodles for an entire year. I did. Nevertheless, you have to make it 12 months before quitting. It's a benchmark. I've seen it happen time and time again - agents want to quit so badly, and right around that year mark, they land their first deal. You will hear a lot of negativity - namely from yourself. Block it out. Expect the negativity to become fainter, and get prepared for doubt to show up. But don't give up. Because at 12 months, the seeds that you planted for a year begin to turn into sprouts and grow. And then you have a client base to nurture. Don't lose faith. To get yourself through that dark first year,