Peter Lorimer Podcast

How to Rewire Your Mind to Succeed in 2021 / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. 2021 is looming right around the corner, and I always use December to rewire my mind for the upcoming year. I use this time to audit my success and failure of the current year and snap into the mindset of next year so I can hit the ground running at 1000 mph on Jan 1. Let's get into this week's episode of The Real Estate Entrepreneur. Stay tuned to the end of the podcast as I giveaway one of my golden tips that I have deployed for 17 years for amazing results.   Golden Nuggets from this episode: [01:33] "We're always searching. We're always searching for knowledge. I am. I look at YouTube every single day. I read articles. I listened to podcasts. I have a thirst for knowledge and so that I can hone my craft and become a better professional at what I am in my case, I do real estate and a