Peter Lorimer Podcast

How to Succeed Like the Top 1% in Business - Hack / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. Do you want to succeed and be a member of the 1% club? I have the secret entrepreneurs use as their business hack to get ahead. This strategy I’m sharing with you will absolutely transform your business, bringing you closer to your goals, and the best part is it’s simple to deploy.     Golden Nuggets from this episode: [02:53] "I want to frame it with this, which is Winston Churchill was famed during World War II, which is one of the most kind of like chaotic times and dangerous times and highly pressurized times of the 20th century in my Homeland of the United Kingdom or Great Britain as it was called back then. And Churchill was faint to say this phrase, which has always stuck with me since I was a boy, he said: "I want to accomplish one big thing today." [04:39] "You prepare your gol