Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

184. Dr Bo Cicak: Trusting In The Bigger Plan That Life Has For You



“Just show up for the plan that the Universe has already provided for you.” We’re living in an age of collective evolution where we’re relearning what it means to be human. More and more people are challenging the old paradigms of success and fulfillment; finding new ways to be, have, and do the things we desire. Dr Bo Cicak is one of these humans. Voted San Diego's #1 Chiropractor in 2019 and 2020, Dr Bo is an embodied example of what it means to prioritize health and create a life attuned to a spiritual calling. In this episode, Dr Bo explores his journey to trusting in an unseen power as he’s learned to prioritize the inner world and live a more responsive life. Tune in now to hear how chiropractic philosophy can increase your capacity to surrender to the pull of life - as you stay grounded in what matters most to you. “Your body has the ability to heal itself. All you have to do is just give it the opportunity to do so.” Dr Bo Cicak is an educator of health and a student