Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

185. Panache Desai: How To Finally Realize That You Are Enough Revisited



“When we’re experiencing peace, we’re authentically being who we are.” I recorded this conversation with spiritual leader Panache Desai just before the first COVID lockdown hit in early 2020. In this interview, Panache gave an insight into his own experience of crisis and suffering and how it created an experience for spiritual and personal growth. I found Panache’s perspective so empowering. In fact, this conversation became a catalyst for multiple personal events that unfolded during my 2020. I wanted to share this episode again because of the powerful reminder of the importance of the journey to self-love, acceptance, peace and surrender. When you listen, you’ll discover how you can walk the path to enoughness with grace, surrender, and divinity. “People, once they are reacquainted with their essential self, have everything.” Panache Desai is a visionary thought leader and a life catalyst in the area of human development. This incredible human has appeared on Oprah’s Super Soul Sun