Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

186. Joseph Billotti: Lessons From A Long Life



“The things I’m most grateful for in this moment are actually the lessons and the experiences I had when things were hardest.” One of the things I love most about Stay Grounded is the opportunity it provides to meet people from all walks of life. Over the years, I’ve interviewed some fascinating people, and this episode is no different… Apart from the way that Joseph Billotti and I met. I’ve recently been spending time on the phone connecting with JavaPresse Coffee Club OGs. These are people who’ve been drinking JavaPresse coffee for years and I wanted to know what they love about the brand. 89-year-old Joseph was one of the people I interviewed. “One of the most beautiful parts about life is that there’s so many different ways to do it, and there’s so many adventures to choose and so many different journeys to go on.” What was supposed to be a 15-minute chat about coffee morphed into a deep conversation about life, love, spirituality, service, and more. Joseph has lived a f