Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

191. Raj Jana: Befriending The Inner Critic. A Tale Of Self-Leadership



“Your inner critic is actually meant to serve your brain. It’s not meant to hurt you.” The month of July was hectic, heartbreaking, and healing for me. An incredible friend of mine passed from stage 4 cancer, and yet again, end of life taught me some potent lessons, which I share in this episode. Looking back, it’s clear to me that this month’s events have allowed me to become deeply intimate with the critical, judgy voice in my head. The voice that scolds me for not being enough, not doing enough, or the  “fact that I should have known better.” (how many of you are familiar with that one?!)Thanks to these experiences, I was able to gather some deep insights into the role that my inner critic plays in helping me experience the life I desire.“It takes a daring level of vulnerability to own your shortcomings.” I don’t believe that the negative voices in our minds are here to stop us from being happy. And when we can find the compassion in our hearts to hold space for the voice of our inner c