Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

192. Kyle Brown: How To Alchemize Hustle Into Surrender & Flow



“The truth is heart-centered. The truth just beams from your master source of intelligence, which is your intuition.” Kyle Brown was fully invested in the hustle culture. He played competitive water polo in college and was also a competitive bodybuilder. His lifestyle revolved around pushing and going and everything he did was focused around competition and competing against himself. But that all changed in January 2019 when Kyle got sick to the point of near-death. He was diagnosed with double pneumonia. He had sepsis too and his organs were shutting down. Until this point, Kyle was a healthy, strong individual who was 5% lean all year around. He didn’t take any kind of pharmaceuticals and he believed mind over matter was enough to push through anything. Suddenly, Kyle was faced with a situation that his default approach couldn’t solve. He had to surrender and hope that antibiotics would save his life. In this moment of surrender, Kyle realized that his striving lifestyle was actually dig