Park Leaders Show : Park Ranger | National Park | State Park | Leadership

The Art of Work with Jeff Goins



Jeff Goins returns to the Park Leaders Show to discuss his new book, The Art of Work. The Art of Work is a proven path to discovering what you were meant to do. It is about finding your calling and being who you were meant to be. The book is wonderful. In my opinion, the best work Jeff Goins has done so far. But I admit, I have a personal connection to this book. I was fortunate enough to have my story, the story of becoming a park ranger and then walking away to something else, is part of this book. In this interview, Jeff and I talk about how the story of a park ranger fit into the bigger story of a book about finding your calling. On the surface, you may think a story about becoming a park ranger is about finding a dream job and a calling. It is bigger than that. Being a park ranger is piece of a full life that led me towards work I was meant to do, including Park Leaders. The story is told beautifully by Jeff Goins and I want you to read it. Believe me, this is a great book. You don't want to miss the off