Park Leaders Show : Park Ranger | National Park | State Park | Leadership

12 Steps to Enhance a Visitor Experience with Eric Watilo



Recently, Eric Watilo issues a document to parks in his region of Washington State Parks giving ideas to make sure visitor's have a better experience when they visit parks. When I saw the information Eric was getting out to people in parks, I knew I had to share it with you. Eric did not create this list for people to read and check a box. This is content meant to be discussed and considered. Eric joins me on the Park Leaders Show to discuss his list of 12 Steps to Enhance a Visitor Experience. If you are reading this in email, CLICK HERE to listen to the episode and go in depth with the 12 Steps. 12 Steps to Enhancing a Visitor's Experience Smile – As simple as this may seem, not everyone smiles. Greet Them – Use words to make them feel welcome. In-Person is Priority – Never break off a face-to-face interaction with a visitor to answer the telephone or speak with another employee. W.I.N – W.I.N stands for “What’s Important Now.” Please and Thank You – Say it. Say it often. We all like to hear please and th