

In this episode, Christina Zerfas discusses her project, "Cans for Kili”, and her mission to impact the environment on local and global scales. Through eco funding, Christina’s team hopes to collect and recycle over 1.2 million aluminum cans not only to sell for scrap metal but also to reduce Indianapolis’s carbon output. In addition to raising funds for reforesting and cleaning efforts, Zerfas also plans to garner proceeds by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with three C4K team members next fall. The journey will start by planting indigenous trees at the base of the mountain. Then after summiting, the climbers will collect trash on their way back down, recycling it properly before returning home. Zerfas reminds us whether or not we’re climbing a mountain in Africa, we can all play a part in increasing local awareness through recycling to benefit future cities all over the world. By thinking green in our own communities, we can inspire the same in others far from home.